Paper Umbrella
Paper Umbrella is tucked away in Regina’s Cathedral Village. It is a unique gift and stationery store that prides itself on being local and Sask made. It is definitely worth a visit if you’ve never been!
Still social distancing? Check out the website I created for them.

When I first reached out to Paper Umbrella, I was looking to sell my stickers in their store. My pitch was met with much success and quickly turned into a working partnership based on similar passions.
I helped grow their business and enabled Paper Umbrella to sell their products online by creating an extremely successful website. This has been particularly important over the last few months due to COVID-19.

A major part of creating the website and revitalizing their social media was product photography. I worked with a local photographer to set up and capture the feeling of being in the store itself.

Paper Umbrella is based in a thriving, vibrant community that provides a prime location and opportunity for advertisements. I utilized this by designing and printing multiple billboards on the side of their building.

Inktober is a month-long art challenge that takes place every (you guessed it), October. Artists are tasked with creating a new ink drawing every day.

I helped Paper Umbrella promote the Inktober challenge and encouraged participation in the city, both online and at the shop. After that, I started helping out with more of their social media.

I made another billboard for Paper Umbrella’s annual 24-hour store event. I then animated the graphic to use on social media for promotion.

The annual event was a huge success. In order to capture the hustle and bustle, I created a time-lapse over the course of the event to encourage more people to visit the store.

I am continuing to work with Paper Umbrella on more projects, along with creating and managing their social media. Go check out their instagram for more details!